MBR is Marshall Bio Resources, an American company which owns MBR Acres, an industrial puppy breeding facility in Wyton, Cambridgeshire.
2,000 Beagle puppies a year are bred on this site alone (and many thousands more in other countries), and every single one of these dogs is bred solely for the vivisection industry.
The dogs are warehoused in converted pig pens and metal sheds. Inside the sheds are bitches in barren pens to produce litter after litter of pups - no checks are made on the numbers of litters they are forced to endure as the Home Office does NOT collect or allow the public to know that information. This is illegal for any other dog breeder, but apparently it’s OK for MBR because it’s for vivisection. And the pups? At just 12 to 16 weeks old they are taken from the sheds and put into a crate, loaded into the back of a Luton van, and driven to a laboratory. MBR also sells off mums and pups together to labs for experiments.
That’s right - unweaned pups and their mums. They will be kept in solitary confinement all of the time, apart from when they are taken out to have poison poured down their throat via a tube, or some equally vile experiment such as inhaling chemicals through a mask or being burned. Until they die. Or until they don’t die and then they are killed.
They will then be cut up to see what the results of the chemicals or other substance has had on their tiny body. And no, you’re not reading some gothic horror novel, this is happening today, at a venue not too far from you, here in the UK.
Our country kills millions of animals every year for experiments that have a failure rate of over 96%. Why? Money. This makes an awful lot of money for MBR, plus of course money is paid to the contract testing labs and the people who carry out these barbaric procedures. All when there are already tests available which can replace the dogs and other animals - the replacements are called NAMs: Non Animal Methods. That’s why we are fighting to Free the MBR Beagles, and all the other animals subjected to the vilest treatment and most horrible lives that you can imagine.

The footage captured by our friends at #CampaignBeagle shows us that MBR Acres is nothing more than an industrial puppy farm, hidden away in the English countryside.
CBUK - Camp Beagle UK